Indexing & Abstracting
Dr. Carla Cristina Gomes Pinheiro
Affiliation :
Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Hospital Sírio-Libanês,Brazil
Biography :
Graduation at biomedicina from Centro Universitario das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (2008), Undergraduate from Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de medicina da USP (2008) and masters at Bioengenharia de tecidos from Hospital SÃrio-Libanês (2016). Has experience in Biotechnology, focusing on Tissue Engineering, acting on the following subjects: mesenchymal stem cell, cleft lip and palate patients, bone tissue engineering, osteogenic differentiation and low power laser therapy.
Research Interest :
Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Osteogenesis, Osteogenic differentiation, non-invasive sources of Stem Cells, Bone Tissue Engineering, and Scaffolds.