Indexing & Abstracting
Asso. Prof. Michele ROCCELLA
Affiliation :
University in Palermo,Italy
Biography :
Michele Roccella is Associate Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy . He graduated in Medicine and Surgery and Specialization in Child Psychiatry at the University of Palermo. He is currently Director of the School of Specialization in Child Neuropsychiatry at the University of Palermo. He was Medical Director of the level at the Territorial Service of Mental Health USL 3 of Catania, District of Palagonia. He received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Neuropsicopatologia Learning Processes in Children and Adolescents at the Second University of Naples and the Diplome des universites Miologie interuniversitaire of Ajax-Marseille II et Paris VI-Pierre et Marie Curie (France). E ’was Professor of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Education at the University of Palermo. He has worked as an editorial member of the Scientific Committee of the Magazine "Neurons Mind and Body" since 1994 and the Scientific Secretariat of the "Journal of Neuropsychiatry developmental" 1996-98. It ’was the National Secretary of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SINPI) from 1996 to 1998. Since 1998 is part of the faculty of the School of Specialization in Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Palermo, and from 2000 of the Degree Therapist Neuropsychomotor in Children and Adolescents at the same university. He was a member of the faculty of the PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Palermo and of the PhD in Stories of Culture and Technical University of Palermo. 2014 is part of the International PhD in training in teaching methods of teachers, University of Palermo. The clinical activity was carried out in different services (local, hospital, university). In February 2000 he received the "Board of qualification in headache disorders". Since March 2000 she and carries out training with the Institut de Miologie - GH Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris, Faculté de Medicin Pierre et Marie Currie (France). It is part of the following scientific societies: the Italian Society of Neurology and Psychiatry of the Child, the Italian Society for the Study of Cefaea, Italian League for the Fight Against Epilepsy, the French Society of Myology. He has received awards and fellowships for his work, including a recognition of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research Interest :
The study of impairment in neuropsychological functioning in patients with epilepsy syndromes-chromosome genetic and headache in childhood is one of its main areas of clinical interest and research. The atria lines of research related to the effects of the new antiepileptic drug treatment of enuresis, the use of botulinum toxin in kinesipatie brain and the clinical and therapeutic aspects of neuromuscular disorders.